I grew up in Pittsfield, Massachusetts and though significant members of my dad's family were Lutheran we attended and participated in the Episcopal Church. I find personal spiritual connections also in the Roman Catholic church, as my grandmother was Italian catholic and married a German Protestant. And many of my close friends, as well as, my sister and her family were and are Roman Catholic. Experience and awareness of these denominations are part of my spiritual journey. I have a Bachelor's degree in Anthropology and a Masters in Special Education. I am an ordained minister and rostered clergy person in the New England Synod. I have an MDiv for ministry in the Evangelical Lutheran Church. I am also on the clergy supply list for the Episcopal Diocese of Maine. I am interested in interreligious dialogue and exploration of diverse spirituality and faiths. I have been a Hospice chaplain for 7 years and served families and individuals from a variety of faiths and no specific faiths servicing spiritual care needs through the end of life. I also attended programs such as, The Red Bench in Austin Texas where we learned about people's perspectives from a variety of faiths. And I have led and participated in Interreligious services and gatherings. I have learned about Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism, Zoroastrianism, Islam, and Jainism, Indigenous traditions and paganism and continue to learn. I have also intentionally worked on my own internalized racism growing up as a white protestant in the United States of America. This is ongoing work and personal biases that include other "isms" such as ableism, are opportunities for reflection and change toward tolerance and justice. I believe it takes humility and is a lifelong educational pursuit of self discovery of identity and ethnic/social location that flourishes when done in community. Most recently I have earned Provisional Board Certification through BBCI. I look forward to work with Spiritual Care Services of Maine.